Saturday, December 17, 2011
..something can't be describe =) ..
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Big Day. Big Event. Big Family.
Monday, August 29, 2011
aku semakin dewasa

Tuesday, July 26, 2011
tweety bird !!
Thursday, July 14, 2011
ayah a.k.a pak teh
Monday, July 11, 2011
double M: MALAYSIA or MESIR?

Thursday, July 7, 2011
alone !!
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Sunday, June 26, 2011
it's 3 peeps!
Friday, June 17, 2011
- my lecturer Ms. Nurul Haida bt Johan for your guidance,
- my parents who always give support to me,
- my siblings who are never disturb me when i'm doing my thesis,
- my beloved boyfie Mohd Zaquan who always be by my side in whatever situation and whenever i need you.
- my beloved girlfie Fatin Syafiqah for spending your time with me, listen my problems, having a discussion with me till midnight and sometimes till early morning,
- my beloved girlfie Koko Faezah, Hairudalilah, for lending your time to listen my problems,
- my beloved girlfie Aznie for your guidance even we were not with the same advisor,
- and all friends!
Monday, June 6, 2011
..we'll be officially 3 years..

Saturday, June 4, 2011
..memang betul-betul berani..
are you the cutest thing?? name..
Friday, June 3, 2011
..spirit of life..
..mengalah tak bermaksud kalah..
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
..future planning..
Hello readers! Say sorry? Had done it! Hehe. From now onwards, no more sensitivity entries okay! Haha. Poyos!
Okay. I think I want talk about life. Yes! It’s about our future. Hmm. Since I just finished for my Bachelor’s Degree in Finance and still waiting for my final result, I’ve been a job seeker okay! Huhu. For the time being, I already got one offer. I’d done the medical check up but still don’t know whether I got the job or not because it’s depends on my cubix test and need to wait until I get the final result. It so weird because usually after done the medical check up, you are being consider get the job but this time. Huh! Tired lorh think about it. It’s ok. Hopefully I’ve chance and place there. =) pray for me okay! Heee.
Okay. Let’s dream that I get that job. With the quite high salary they pay to me. Hmm. Can I use my money wisely? No comment! Haha. Can or cannot I need to manage my money proper ok. For my expenses, give to my parents, monthly car payment, house rental, saving for getting married. Oho! I loike for the last purpose. MARRIED! Heeee… *big smile* =D
With my own salary, I’ll buy my dream car. SUZUKI SWIFT. Okay even peoples out there said “ekeleh. Da lapok ar kete tu. Out dated l ko ni.” Huh! Ade aku kesah? Haha. Da lapok pada ko, bukan pada aku! Heee.
Okay. The after my saving have enough for my wedding, then I’ll getting married with my beloved bb! Hihik. =p wedding planner? Hmm. I already have a plan for my wedding. Wohoo! Giler tak gatal nye aku ni. Haha. Hopefully what was I plan akan jadi sebijik sebulat. Hehe. Then go for honeymoon. Nak gi Amsterdam la. Sebab macam cantik je kan. Then nak gi Italy pulak. Memang nak sangat-sangat pijak Venice tu.
Big bungalow? Ohmaigold! I’m the architect for my house ok! And fyi, plan rumah tu dah ader dah. Hmm. But as you know, nowadays hard for us to find tanah2 lot ni untuk build out own house. Nak tak nak kene la beli rumah taman. But it’s ok. Even rumah taman pon, I dah ade plan dah nak buat cemane. Hoho.
Child? Hmm. Maybe after a year sebab want to spend time together puas-puas baru la buley diganggu dengan bunyi tangisan baby. Owh! Memang perfect jer an. Hmm. 4 cukop la. Hehe. 2 beauties and 2 handsomes. Eee.. memang excited giler!
Check lists!
Complete my degree? | √ |
Have a good career? | On my way. |
Have a dream car? SWIFT | Coming soon after I get my job. |
Getting married? | Coming soon. Simpanan belom cukop. |
Have a big bungalow? | Coming soon after married. |
Have a cute child? | Maybe a year after married. |
Retirement? | Already have a plan but still need to be discussing again with my hubby after married. |
p/s:how about yours? Tell me. Sharing is caring =)
..sorry seems to be the hardest word..
I want to make apologize to those who were hurt because of my entries. Fyi, all entries posted in this blog is about me. That was what I face, what I feel and what-so-ever. If you are one of the people who were coincidently involved in my life, I’m sorry. I hope after this you go away from my life and please don’t read my blog anymore. I just feel uncomfortable if someone has hurt by reading my blog. No like! I don’t want it happen ok! I don’t want hurting you and you please don't hurt yourself!
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Wednesday, May 25, 2011
..Nur Aminah or Nur Amalina??..
Friday, May 20, 2011
..gedik-gedik gemok..
..dengar ler sampai jemu..

Saturday, May 14, 2011
..girls' day out..

Saturday, May 7, 2011
..girl & dot dot dot..

Friday, May 6, 2011
..mari ramai2 vote! ..

Entry Title: friendship brings happiness ! |
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Description: persahabatan yang sejati akan berkekalan selamanya ! |
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Category: Picture of the Year |
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Submitted On: Fri, 06-May-2011 |

Thursday, May 5, 2011
..5th of may 2011..


Tuesday, May 3, 2011
..kematian yang tersayang..
Monday, May 2, 2011
..cemane die bekerja?..

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Saturday, April 30, 2011
..bile hati rase tak puas..
Friday, April 29, 2011
..nak bercinte ke nak bergaduh?! ..
Hey you girls out there! Come to me! Hehe. Opss! Okay actually I just want to share something with you. Maybe some girls think that what will I share here is not good but it’s okay for me. Okay. Let me straight to the point. Actually it’s about love relationship. Hmm. Biase lah kan kalo da bercinta mestilah ade gaduh2. Tetibe teringat long times ago my ustazah had said “kalo 1 ae kamu semua ade pasangan dan kamu xpenah bergaduh, itu maknanye ade sesuatu yang xkena ngan hubungan kamu”. Hmm. At first I think ape lah ustazah ni. Takkan ler sampai camtu. Who knows ntah2 memang ade yang xpenah gaduh2. Okay fine. At that time I still have no boyfriend and don’t know the situation if in a relationship. That’s why I can think in that way. But now, I’m realized that my ustazah is right! Happy cemane pon kiter, mesra cemane pon kiter, one day kiter mesti akan ade perselisihan faham. And sometimes that fight is because of a small issue. It can be one of us was not in the mood but the other one has something to share with. So bile yang sorang da taknak layan, yang sorang lagi pon mule lah merajok lah, makan ati lah, kecik ati lah and what so ever lah. Alangkan Allahyarham P.Ramlee pon ade cakap “sedangkan lidah lagi tergigit”. Okay. What I want share here is what you should do kalo bergaduh ngan boyfriend. Hmm. I’m not too good but I just think that my way is quite useful to those girl yang lembut ati sangat. Okay first kalo you all gaduh and your bf marah sampai xnak msg lah xnk pick up phone lah. Senang jer. You ignore jer die tu. Kalo sekali due tu buley la pujok. But if it’s too often, jangan ler bagi muke sangat. Biakan die pujok diri sendiri. Kan bile you xpujok, die akan terasa yang you da xheran ngan die. An an an. Tapi bile you asek pujok jer, mesti diorg pk “alah. Nnt mst gf aku pujok. Biakan die pujok” haa. Betol x? tp bile you xpujok2, msti die da cuak. Even time tu you nanges cam org giler ke frust ke tapi kuatkan ati. Xpayah pujok2 die k. huhu. Then kalo die marah2, nape mesti nak kene diam ajer? Nape x fight balek? Selagi you diam jer bile die marah selagi tu lah die rase diri die raja tau. But if you fight him back, he will know that you also have a pride to protect! Melawan cakap bf doesn’t mean that you’re rude. Tapi kalo nak melawan pon agak2 ler yer. Hmm. For me, by doing all these kind of things, I jadi lebih kuat and now Alhamdulillah I da tak secengeng dulu! Kalo gaduh ape I buat? Having fun with my buddies! Haha. Okay not buddies actually but my siblings. Huhu.
p/s:setiap orang ade cara mereka tersendiri =)
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
..ade kepala baru..

..NEINA hangatkan sekolah adek2..