wah! pejam celik pejam celik rupa-rupa nya we're on our way to our 3rd years anniversary! eee. i loike it! hehe. gadoh, merajok, marah-marah, ngade-ngade, manja-manja. that were the things that we faced for these 3 years. Alhamdulillah Allah still give chance to us for being together. really hope we'll being together till the end of our life! we hope we're meant to be together. okay. yesterday is our day! hehe. we celebrated it early because my boyfie was very busy. yah he work at JB and can't back home every weeks because he only off on sunday. hmm. kesian kat i sebab always merindui love2.
okaih. taknak type panjang-panjang. selamat melihat gambar-gambar yer. huhu.
short description:
love2 fetched me around 11.00 a.m then we straight go to wetex parade. Had our lunch at Chicken Rice Shop. love2 mam gune chopstick! hehe. then we booked our karaoke room. love2 semayang kat Masjid Tanjung. me? tettt. =p then berjalan-jalan melihat sungai Muar. after that baru lah kami celebrate our anniversary at Baskin Robin. lastly kami menikmati hobi bersama that was karok! really enjoy the exciting day with my love ZAQUAN !!
Chicken Rice Shop...

love2 yang non stop talking =p

my favourite curry laksa! nyum2..

on the way ke Tanjung. love2 senyum! =)

menunggu love2 gi semayang...

Baskin Robin..

2 slices of ice cream cake.
chocolate oreo for him & chocolate strawberry for me =)
(our celebration cake)

me as usual..talkative! potpet2..sampai ketawa tak hengat dunia macam BR tu kami yang punye.. =D

again! die senyum! heeee... i loike!

p/s: ya Allah, i hope You will always give Your bless in our relationship. give us lots of strengths to face anything bad happen now and in future.
semoga kami akan bersatu di dunia dan akhirat. amiinn..
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