ehehe..i don't know why. it's so sudden okay! am missing my boyfie so fcukin' damn much! *wink2* haha. okay. it doesn't mean yang before this aku tak windu bb aku. tapi tu lah. macam yang aku cakap. ia tibe-tibe ajer ok jadi windu yang giler nak mampos. haha. tak mo la cakap banyak2. nak simpan energy untuk bercalling-malling ngan bb malam ni. haha. *macam ler baru hari dapat calling2. padahal every nite before tido calling2 kot!* haha.

this is my beloved bb! he doesn't know how to smile bila bergambar okay! penat aku ajar. haha. tp still nak cakap ILY bb! :-*

just got this pict from him. he was mms it to me while he's working. so shuit la cyg! 8)
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