1st of may 2011. sunday. my cousin's engagement day. =) she's so beautiful today with the satin+lace baju kurung in gold-brown color and make up by my other cousin. hmm. i'm happy for her. when is my turn? opss! very the sensitive question. haha. i dunno why but i felt something. is it because of i'm adult enough to have this feeling? OMG! i'm just 23rd okay! kehidupan sebenar baru nak bermula. baru nak mengenal dunia luar. baru nak menikmati keseronokan hidup. dan aku masih lagi belom puas enjoy. hehe. haisy! ape yang aku melencong ni? hmm. pape jela. but i just tell the truth. aku still tak caye yang our generation (i mean generasi aku and my cousins yang umur selikungan ni) dah masok dalam dunie bakal berumahtangga. we'd start from kak chik and now kak ain. who'll be the next? (?_?)

p/s:wish u'll be happy together with your partner till ever after =)
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