Wohoo!! Berjimba2 with the sisters! We were so tired but really enjoy our day today. Almaklumler before this tak pernah hang out with cousin yang ini. This is the first time. Hehe. Ape punce kitorang penat giler?
Watching FAST 5 which is superb! OMG! I wish I’ll have a brother like Dominic Toretto and boyfriend like Brian O’Conner who are very protective! They were good in bad. Haha. Suit with its title, I give 5 stars! I’m dreaming that I was inside the screen together with them doing those criminal activities. Haha. Okaih. Stop talking about Fast 5. If not until tomorrow and next week and forever aku akan berangan2 ajer to join them. Haha.

oh my handsome Paul Walker and my hero with sweet smile Diesel. *wink2* =p
(memang nak boyfriend and abang yang protective giler macam diorang. huhu)
After having fun with that movie, we fulfil our stomach. Takde la lapar pon tapi wat alas perot ajer. Huhu. Then with lots of spirit, we walked to the A’famosa. Mendaki tangga batu die with heels. Huh! Memang paling terbaek la kan. Haha. Kitorang kat atas tu kengkononnye berphoto shoot. Ahaks. Poyo ajer.
okaih. settle berphoto shoot, kami pon pulang ke pangkal jalan. sejukkan badan yang da kepanasan kat A'Famosa tadi di dalam DP. As usual la aku ni kan. Iman kuat cemane pon duit mesti melayang. I’d grab shawl, dress and kemeja. Hihik.
p/s:hati senang pulang dengan riang =D
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