Saturday, April 30, 2011
..bile hati rase tak puas..
Friday, April 29, 2011
..nak bercinte ke nak bergaduh?! ..
Hey you girls out there! Come to me! Hehe. Opss! Okay actually I just want to share something with you. Maybe some girls think that what will I share here is not good but it’s okay for me. Okay. Let me straight to the point. Actually it’s about love relationship. Hmm. Biase lah kan kalo da bercinta mestilah ade gaduh2. Tetibe teringat long times ago my ustazah had said “kalo 1 ae kamu semua ade pasangan dan kamu xpenah bergaduh, itu maknanye ade sesuatu yang xkena ngan hubungan kamu”. Hmm. At first I think ape lah ustazah ni. Takkan ler sampai camtu. Who knows ntah2 memang ade yang xpenah gaduh2. Okay fine. At that time I still have no boyfriend and don’t know the situation if in a relationship. That’s why I can think in that way. But now, I’m realized that my ustazah is right! Happy cemane pon kiter, mesra cemane pon kiter, one day kiter mesti akan ade perselisihan faham. And sometimes that fight is because of a small issue. It can be one of us was not in the mood but the other one has something to share with. So bile yang sorang da taknak layan, yang sorang lagi pon mule lah merajok lah, makan ati lah, kecik ati lah and what so ever lah. Alangkan Allahyarham P.Ramlee pon ade cakap “sedangkan lidah lagi tergigit”. Okay. What I want share here is what you should do kalo bergaduh ngan boyfriend. Hmm. I’m not too good but I just think that my way is quite useful to those girl yang lembut ati sangat. Okay first kalo you all gaduh and your bf marah sampai xnak msg lah xnk pick up phone lah. Senang jer. You ignore jer die tu. Kalo sekali due tu buley la pujok. But if it’s too often, jangan ler bagi muke sangat. Biakan die pujok diri sendiri. Kan bile you xpujok, die akan terasa yang you da xheran ngan die. An an an. Tapi bile you asek pujok jer, mesti diorg pk “alah. Nnt mst gf aku pujok. Biakan die pujok” haa. Betol x? tp bile you xpujok2, msti die da cuak. Even time tu you nanges cam org giler ke frust ke tapi kuatkan ati. Xpayah pujok2 die k. huhu. Then kalo die marah2, nape mesti nak kene diam ajer? Nape x fight balek? Selagi you diam jer bile die marah selagi tu lah die rase diri die raja tau. But if you fight him back, he will know that you also have a pride to protect! Melawan cakap bf doesn’t mean that you’re rude. Tapi kalo nak melawan pon agak2 ler yer. Hmm. For me, by doing all these kind of things, I jadi lebih kuat and now Alhamdulillah I da tak secengeng dulu! Kalo gaduh ape I buat? Having fun with my buddies! Haha. Okay not buddies actually but my siblings. Huhu.
p/s:setiap orang ade cara mereka tersendiri =)
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
..ade kepala baru..

..NEINA hangatkan sekolah adek2..

Wednesday, April 20, 2011
..hari-hari hari aku..
Friday, Saturday and Sunday comes without any post? Huh! Those were being my tough days. Friday was my last day of practical training. The whole day I felt so sad. Oh! It’s rare for me to felt like that. Then on Saturday and Sunday? It’s time for preparing my VIVA presentation. Only Allah knows how worried and nervous I am. I thought dah betol2 ready but sometimes mesti rase macam ade yang kurang. My presentation slide? I’d edited it for many times okay! Sebab still unsatisfied. Huhu. Then on Monday? 7.00 a.m in the morning aku dah gerak to uitm. Arrived there around 8.15 a.m. Orang kat sane pon muke ketat ajer. Nebes lah katekan. Huhu. For those yang dah settle for their VIVA, muke memang lah berseri2 kan. Kalah muke pengantin. Huhu. Giliran aku? Around 11.15 a.m kot. If I’m not mistaken lah. It supposed to be at 10.30 a.m. See giler lame aku tunggu. But it’s okay. Sabar2. Huhu. Tapi penantian tetap satu penyeksaan! Haha. Okay biler sampai turn aku. Aku kalo buley nak cakap laju2 macam MRT kat Singapore tuh. Huhu. Tapi tahap kelajuan xsampai. Ops lupe pule. Panels aku tu memanglah lecture yang senior in economic kan. And tajuk aku “RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN EXCHANGE RATE AND TRADE BALANCE: CASE OF MALAYSIA” yang dah memang lah sesuai terkena ngan lect tuh. Huhu. Abes ajer present, they keep asked me huh da macam M16! Non-stop okay! Bajet aku ni economist ler. Haha. Alhamdulillah I can answer all the questions except one. Huhu. Tersalah cakap lorh time tu. Comments from them? Haisy. Malu mak nak gitau kat sini nyah. Haha. Overall good. High confidence level. Good explanation. Body language and the way I present also good. Ouch! Ilang teros nebes mak tu nyah! Haha. Keluar bilik tu pon ngan ati yang riang and senyuman yang lebar ajer. (“___”) tapi an xtau ler markah dapat bape an. hopefully got high mark. Huhu. Kalo buley nak A+ . InsyaAllah. Amiinn. Okay then had a lunch with my kliks. Balek uma jer, petang tu stret sakit tekak eh. Suare poon takde. Dah r tu esoknye demam pule. Ni batuk and seme2. Asek nak bersin ajer. Da macam marathon sickness! Huhu. On Tuesday and Wednesday? Same activities. Bangun tido – mandi - masak – on9 – tido – bangun - makan – on9 – tido. Dan begitu lah seterusnye. I NEED VACATION AND SHOPPING! NOW! Argh! That’s only the way for me to release my stress and tension!
Thursday, April 14, 2011
..sweetnesses like lollipop..
The sweetness hours we had been together were start when I stepped in with nothing on that Monday morning with lots of feeling. We’re getting closer slowly. We try to know each other. I no need try to put myself at ease because you already make me felt like I’m part of you. The situation created like I’d been with you for long times ago.
Thanks guy! Every moment with you is the most precious to me. Don’t know how to express my feels right now. So sad because need to leave these sweet moments. Oh God! Will I get these sweetest after this? It was sweetest than sugar! And no ants can rob it from me!
Kak Hana – Kak Dayah – Safa – Alif. We have been closer. I miss every moment with you guys! I’m asking a big apologise to you if I’d hurt you all.
I’d learn so many things. Now I’m leave with lots of knowledge. The clean and unclean. Hehe. =p I wish I can be a part of you one day. And I know the day will come to me. I want it so badly!
Lastly, thanks for these ‘saguhati’ (word from Izwan =p )

p/s: crying =(
Saturday, April 9, 2011
..perasaan apakah ini?..
Date of today? 9th of April 2011. I have another 6 more days to go before me ending my practical training. What do I feel right now? Excited! Impatient! Nervous! Happy! Okay. Actually I have no word to express my feelings right now. What was in my mind is I’m not preparing yet for my VIVA presentation! Ouch!
Okay let me start with my practical training. I gain too much experience. I’m facing a problem that sure will be happen when I’m working. And I ready enough to face it in future. I gain lots of knowledge. I learn how to control emotion, situation and attitude at working place. I learn how to understand peoples’ emotion and attitude. Overall, I learn almost everything that may be help me when I going into working world.
Then, about my thesis. This is not quite tough but really tough for me. It’s like I’m doing my master. Huhu. So far Alhamdulillah everything runs smoothly. I just sent my synopsis of my thesis yesterday to my both panels. Now I’m getting prepare for my VIVA. Oh! I’m really nervous! Probably I’ll success for my VIVA? Oh god! Help me please! I’m begging to You!
Lastly is about my job application. So far, I already sent quite many job applications and really hope the company will hiring me. It advantage to them if hiring me because I’m a person who have a very high dreams to be successful. I always want to make my leader satisfies with my work. Hehe.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
..bila rindu kata ruffedge..
Sekarang ni aku kata memang dah rind upon.
Bukan takat terkenang lagi.
Ni da tahap angau giler meroyan.
Adeh! Hmm. It's hard for me to let you go far away from me la b.
but since it was stated on your fate, so I push myself to accept it. =(
Oh God! Please! I need more strength!
Huuwwaaaa!!! I'm crying and crying and still crying.
Hmm. But it's okay lah. Your working hours will gonna be normal like others'.
So, we'll have more time to spend together.
Yahoo! Hooray2!
Obsasion of you! Haha
p/s: it so called angau lorh. huhu