hye. assalam to all readers. (beginning yang quite matured) huhu. okay la let me tell what i feel right now. sumpah penat! 3 weeks i'm working as a Mortgage Sales Consultant at RHB Bank makes me become oh man! aku nak jadi housewife aje laa. haha. belog pon memang da berabad tak apdet. eerrr. nak kata aku bizi giler tu xde la sampai giler. tapi memang penat la. penat badan dan penat otak. tapi memang syiookkkk bile da keje. da ade duit sendiri. da ade kete sendiri. da buley beli barang2 sendiri. everything sendiri la. haha. tapi kan 1 bende paling x best. that is i'm missing my friends. uuuwwwwaaaa!!!!windu nak on9 all the times and gossiping together. tak sabar nak konvo sebab nak jumpe mereka! =D
bile dah keje ni, raya dah x dapat duit raye =( tapi kene bg duit raye. aiyak! waa. after this my nieces and nephews and cousins kene salam aku ler baru dapat duit raya. haha. tu pon next year baru bagi. haha. ok la. have no ideas due to malas nak pikir. haha.